Lorraine McNerney

General Manager for National Geospatial ICT in the National Mapping Division, Tailte Éireann – a new state agency, established in March 2023, from the merger of the Property Registration Authority, the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey Ireland.

Qualified geo-surveyor, with a BSc and MA in Business & IT. Fellow of the Irish Computer Society.

Co-chair for the United Nations Expert Group for Statistical and Geospatial Information (UN EG-ISGI). National delegate at the UN Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Committee of Experts with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Active participant in a number of national data working groups and academic research funded projects.

Served as external examiner for MSc programs in the School of Surveying and Construction Management at the Technical University Dublin (TUD).

