Conference Schedule

9:30 am

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Conference Chair Hugh Mangan from Tailte Eireann will welcome delegates

9:35 am

Geospatial Heritage: Preserving Tradition


This year’s opening session will look at our Geospatial heritage as we look at mapping from its recorded beginnings, preservation and what the future holds for mapping in Ireland. We will look at how our landscape has evolved into the land values that we see today.

Speakers include: 

Finnian O’ Cionnaith, Land Surveying 1690 – 1830 

Paul Ferguson, Trinity Library

Colin Bray, Tailte Eireann 

Edward McAuley, SCSI 

10:50 am

Exhibitor Pitches

All of our exhibitors will have the opportunity before the coffee break to present to the delegates.

11:00 am

Coffee Break

Meet the exhibitor, colleagues and network over a coffee!

11:30 am

Education and Data Preservation


In this session we will hear updates from TU Dublin on the Geo programme and the importance of preserving our data. We will also hear from Jonathan Riche as he discusses his thesis on an investigation into the use of laser scanning to measure moisture and its effects in an Irish heritage structure. 

Speakers Include:

Eugen Niculae, TU Dublin 

Jonathan Riche, Murphy Geospatial

David Humphries, Architectural Conservation Professionals

12:15 pm

Geospatial Intelligence: Cyber Security, AI and GDPR


During this session we will discuss one of the fastest changing area’s of Geospatial Intelligence, Cyber Security, AI and GDPR and how these intersect, presenting both challenges and opportunities. How we ensure, we are all compliant and in the best interests for the profession.

Speakers include: 

Brendan Ring, National Security Centre 

David Normoyle, Pembroke Privacy, AI & GDPR

1:00 pm

Lunch Break

Join us and meet colleagues and exhibitors during the BBQ lunch break.

2:00 pm

Conference Resumes


In this session we will be hearing from the Irish Centre for High end computing and also Mark Prendergast from the Drone Academy.

Speakers include: 

Dr. Jenny Hanafin, Earth Observation Activity Lead

Dr. Venkatesh Kannan, Irish Centre for High-End Computing

Mark Prendergast, Drone Academy


3:30 pm

Conference Ends

Closing remarks and conference ends
