Tony Mulhall

Tony Mulhall

Tony is a senior specialist, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). A Chartered Surveyor and Town Planner he has worked in a wide range of areas of planning and property in the public and private sectors. Actively involved in promoting an understanding of development economics within the planning system. He has given evidence to a number of UK House of Commons committees including the Scrutiny Committee on the Levelling Up Bill and engages with UK Government departments formulating planning /development policy.

Has represented RICS in a number of national & international bodies. A member of the International Land Measurement Standards, standard setting committee and also engaged in capacity building through Insight papers on ‘Cities, health and Wellbeing’ and ‘Digital Planning for Surveyors’ and ‘Land Development Agreements’.

He has participated as an expert in capacity building missions with UK Trade and Investment, the UK Department for International Development and the UN.  Has presented at UN/World Bank Conferences and gives occasional lectures at a number of universities.


